Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Finally coming up for air!

Ahhhh .... end of year wrap up, the holidays, and organizing the house (a struggle for me to begin with... add a toddler and the bottom falls out) ... aka - insanity.

But now, insanity is cooling off a bit.  Why?  Well the holidays are over... And I LOVE the holidays.  Even with the craziness, I LOVE the holidays.  As we know I thrive off of insanity, so as long as I have my two weeks off, I can love the holidays as much as I did when I was a kid - but for different reasons.

Over the last two weeks, I have managed to travel for three days for work, go to four holiday parties, pick out many presents and wrap several more, put together a "Step 2" kitchen for my toddler (which I might add puts my kitchen to shame), clean and rearrange my bedroom and closet, have several tea parties with my little one (love the Mrs Potts Tea Set and tray), Cook and bake like a maniac - cheesecake, jello tortes, brownies, cookies, cupcakes ... a complete turkey AND ham dinner with all the fixings (yes, it was my first time cooking a turkey and it was a success... or so my guests said), finalize some loose ends at work while I am away, and start to chair an event at my little one's school.

As you can tell, there were many accomplishments that I had over the last couple of weeks.  Some work related, but most little person / family related.  While the accomplishments shifted to my little person and family, the common theme here is the insanity that I thrive on.  Which is why when I go back to work on Monday, I am going to miss the home craziness, but will like the change of pace... especially because I will only have a week or so to put together an entire day of client meetings!

But, as I roll into 10 days of craziness at work, I will have come up for air for a bit with a clean house, a happy child and husband... and then will dive right back into it.

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