Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good riddance 2010! Thanks for everything

It's that time of year again where the Christmas holidays are over, all the presents unwrapped, and our houses (that looked like a bomb went off) and lives are finally starting to get back to normal. Hopefully you all have been able to find some time to rest and spend quality time with the family. Oh yea, and of course hit all those after-Christmas sales! (I know I'll hit them a few times ; ) Soooo, with New Year's approaching, now is time to start the usual reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the next.....

And God am I looking forward to the next! I'm not going to lie and deny that 2010 was a shit year that I'd like to forget. Actually, for most of us. I've been at parties where we've played the "who gets the brownie for the worst year" game. And the stories are usually doozies. I thought that I would win the brownie for having 3 jobs (starting 2 new ones), moving twice, packing and paying for moving twice, a mortgage and rental for 6+ months, being uncertain and unhappy about decisions, not knowing often where we belong, trying to adjust to new things, realizing who our real friends are and who we can trust (the hard way), and still trying to recuperate from it all.

When I had this conversation with my husband - being the optimist he is - reminded me of all the good things that came out of the year. That we went through everything we did in order to realize certain things - where we really want to live, where we want our kids to grow up and where our home is and we truly belong. We also now know who our true friends are and how lucky we were to have jobs through it all. I'll be the first to admit that most of what we went through in 2010 was self-inflicted. We chose to move, put our house up for sale in the worst market ever, start new jobs and change our lives, etc.

I want to say we made the worst decisions this past year, but there's also nothing wrong with taking risks in life. Sometimes they work out for the better and sometimes they don't. Life is boring without taking risks - I've just come to realize that they need to be more calculated. And perhaps a bit smaller....

That being said, I'm sure you can guess my New Year's resolution! Don't get me wrong - I will still continue to take risks in life - that's the kind of person I am. But the next time I feel the urge for a big change in life, someone PLEASE remind me to redeisgn a room in my house, take a trip or just get a new wardrobe. It will be so much easier and cheaper!

So, thanks for all the lessons you've taught me 2010. Good riddance and thanks for everything!

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